Many items have patterns that "create" the bonus feature of the item. However, others are made up of individual components, and may have an effect greater than the sum of their parts.
Efficient Dota 2 items:
Boots: Tranquil, Power Treads, Arcanes
- I won't get into these, but know that upgrading boots is always efficient.
Oblivion Staff:
Components: Robe of Magi, Quarterstaff, Sage's MaskComponent total: +6 Int, +50% mana regen, +10 Attack speed, +10 damage
Assembled total: +6 Int, +75% mana regen, +10 attack speed, +15 damage
Net gain: +25% mana regen, +5 damage
Rod of Atos
Components: Staff of Wizardry x 2, Vitality BoosterComponent Total: +20 Int, +250 hp
Assembled total: +25 Int, +325 hp, +on use slow (60%)
Net gain: +5 Int, +75 hp, +effect
Scythe of Vyse
Net gain: 50% mana regen, +Hex effectAghanim's Sceptre
Net gain: +ultimate upgrade only (no stat gain)
Monkey King Bar (MKB)
Components: Javelin x 2, Demon EdgeComponent effects: 2 @ 20% chance of 40 dmg, +21 x2 dmg + 46 damage (total +88 dmg)
Assembled effects: +88 dmg, +15 atk spd, +true strike + mini-bash 100 dmg
Net gain: +15 atk speed, bash damage +60.
Sange & Yasha (S&Y)
Components: Sange, Yasha
Component Effects: +16 Str, +16 Ag, +15 Attack Speed, +8% movement, +10 damage, Lesser Maim
Assembled Effects: +16 Str, +16 Ag, +16 Attack Speed, +16% move, +16 damage, Greater Maim
Net gain: Greater Maim, +6 Damage, +1 Attack Speed, +8% movement, +10% proc on maim, +6/3% slows on maim.
Hard-to-evaluate items
Ring of Basilius (changes % mana regen to flat mana regen)Shadow Blade (Shadow-effect is modified from ring)
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