Here's a spreadsheet of the math on Ogre's Magi's Fireblast-versus-Ignite damage scaling:
As of patch 6.81:
As of patch 6.82b:
Fireblast has a fixed damage scaling of 65 additional damage / level after L1.
Ignite, on the other hand, increases in damage faster than Fireblast, and each subsequent level adds more damage than the previous level-up.
Ignite is also more efficient damage per mana, at all levels.
This leads to the idea that maximizing Ignite first actually boosts your damage slightly.
As of patch 6.85:
Fireblast has a fixed damage scaling of 55 additional damage / level after L1.
Ignite, on the other hand, increases in damage faster than Fireblast, and each subsequent level adds more damage than the previous level-up.
Ignite is also more efficient damage per mana, at all levels.
This leads to the idea that maximizing Ignite first actually boosts your damage slightly.
If you look at the damage including Multicast, you get the following average damage:
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