Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Strong Tri-lanes

This is a list compiled from various sites on the net, discussing aggressive and defensive tri-lane combos that are strong.  Most of this can be considered "food for thought", and requires coordination between teammates to pull off the suggested combinations.  Note that all tri-lanes, even if they seem dangerous in theory, can be countered by various lineups or simply outplayed.

How to make a tri-lane:

The simple version:

High-Dmg-Carry + Tough Support w/Stun + Followup Stun/Slow

Semi-Carry w/Nuke + Semi-Carry w/Stun + Ranged Support w/Followup Stun/Slow/Heal

The complex version:

Aggro Tri-Lane: 
  • Heroes that are dangerous at level 1 (usually nukers / disablers)
  • Heroes that can fight repeatedly (i.e. have mana for more than one cast)
  • Aggressive laning heroes (long attack range, high armor, spammable nukes, etc)
  • Supports that aren't dependent on farm
  • A (semi) carry who can catch up on farm if the aggro tri-lane fails, usually by jungling or flash farming
... side mention:  heroes that can destroy the enemy Tier 1 tower very early are also beneficial (Leshrac, Pugna, Ursa).

Defensive Tri-Lane:
  • Hard carry (position 1), who needs babysitting to get safe, reliable farm
    • Examples:  Morphling, Terrorblade, Phantom Assassin, Spectre
  • One greedy support (position 4), who will stack, pull and farm jungle
    • Greedy:  Sand King, Leshrac, Shadow Shaman
    • Jungler Supports: Enigma, Chen, Enchantress
    • Semi-carry "supports":  Wraith King, Sven, Gyrocopter, Naga, Kunkka
  • One hard support (position 5), who will harass offlaner, ward, keep carry safe
    • Examples:  Crystal Maiden, Lion, Bane
Helpful Article:  This article on supporting explains how to choose supports for tri-lanes, and how your choice of supports impacts how your supports will play.

    Examples (farmer + position 4 + position 5):

    Alchemist + Sandking + Vengeful Spirit
    Alch/Lifestealer/Sven/WK/Tiny + Naga + Bane
    AntiMage + Sven/WK + Disruptor
    Axe + Abaddon + Disruptor (Cage match w/shielded axe!)
    Axe + Earthshaker + Keeper (Block with Fissure, Taunt, and eat Illuminate!)
    Axe + Phoenix + Dark Seer (aggro tri:  Creep skip and laugh when they come attack)
    Axe + Silencer + Jakiro
    Bounty Hunter + WindRanger + Bane
    Bounty Hunter / Clinkz + Omni + Venge (bring sentries and deward!)
    Chaos Knight + Venge + Ancient Apparition (Magic Dmg Amp + Stuns into Cold Feet + Wave of Terror right-clicking)
    Dragon Knight + Venge + Lina
    Gyro + Magnus + Bane (Banish into Skewer into Barrage)
    Jugg + Nyx + Veno (Impale into Gale into Spin)
    Kunkka + Centaur + Disruptor (X/Glimpse into Kinetic + Stomp/Torrent/DbleEdge)
    Kunkka + Tide + Jakiro (Gush + Ice Path + Torrent, etc)
    LegionC + Abaddon + Disruptor (Kinetic field cage match with healing support)
    Lifestealer + Earthshaker + Leshrac/Lina
    Luna + Ogre + Crystal Maiden (CM)
    Morphling + Nyx + Skywrath
    Ogre + SD/CM + AA
    Outworld Devourer/Destroyer + Bane + Shadow Demon
    Pugna + Ogre + Skywrath (Dmg Amp into Nukes)
    SFiend + Tide + Venge
    Slardar + SK + Dazzle
    Slardar + WraithKing + Disruptor (Hellfire into Crush into Kinetic Field Cage Match)
    Sven + Tide + Lion/Venge
    Timbersaw + Omni + Phoenix
    Tusk + Centaur + Leshrac
    Undying + Venomancer + Disruptor (“Cage match w/Tombstone!”)
    Jugg, Venge, Veno (Missile, Slow+Wave, Spin)
    PL, Keeper, Chen (harass, then tower push).
    Visage, Rubick, Naga/Jugg/Lifestealer
    CM, ES, hard carry needing mana (Alch, CK, Sven, SK, Luna, etc)
    Tide, Veno, hard carry w/teamfight (AM, OD, Sven, etc)
    Veno, Leshrac, Naga (push tower)

    Early-Damage Tri-lanes:

    Luna/Razor/Lifestealer/Gyro + Mirana + Bane/CrystalMaiden/ShadowDemon

    Defensive Tri-lane Heroes:

    Hard Carry: Faceless Void, Lifestealer, Spectre, Alchemist, Morphling, Lycan, Terrorblade, Phantom Assassin, etc.

    Supports for Defensive Tri-lanes: Bane, AA, Crystal Maiden, Lina/Lion, Naga, Rubick, SD, SS, Tide, Wisp, Treant, Earthshaker, Jakiro, Nyx, Sand King, Windrunner (WR), Witch Doctor (WD)

    Aggressive Tri-Lane Heroes:

    List:  Chaos Knight, Mirana, Shadow Shaman (SS), Keeper (KotL), Jakiro, Naga, Veno, Shadow Demon (SD), Tiny, Slardar, Razor, Lifestealer (Naix), Treant, Juggernaut, Undying
    • Slardar, Shadow Shaman, Lion
    • Chaos Knight (CK) + Lion + Jakiro/Veno/Undying
    • Lyncan + Veno + Chen
    • Tiny + SD + SS
    • Naga + Treant + Bane
    • CK + Beastmaster + Venge
    • Razor (Link) + Bane (Enfeeble) + CM (mana + frostbite w/Link)
    • Silencer + Bane + KotL (Last Word + Brain Sap, with unlimited mana)
    • Silencer + KotL + Nyx (mana headache)
    • Pugna + Lina + Nyx/Ogre (Nukers with push)
    • Sven + Leshrac/Lina + Naga/Visage
    Heroes with High Early Damage in Tri-lanes (unusual combos)
    • Clockwerk + Phoenix + Warlock
    • Razor + Timbersaw + Skywrath Mage
    • Naga + Tide + Shadow Shaman
    • Morphling + Lina + Crystal Maiden

    Strong Tri-Lanes:

    • Gryocopter/Kunkka + Shadow Demon + Lesh/Lina
    • Gyro + Crystal Maiden + Leshrac/Lina/Ancient Apparition/Mirana (Frostbite into Missile+Stun)
    • Sven/SK/Alch + Skywrath + Lina (heavy nuke lane)
    • PA + Shadow Demon + Crystal Maiden (CM)
    • Gyro + Earthshaker + Leshrac (Fissure to block, Split Earth/Homing Missile, Edict + Rocket Barrage)
    • Slardar + Venge + Crystal Maiden
    • Juggernaut + Rubick + CM/Veno
    • Dragon Knight + Undying + Leshrac
    • Dragon Knight/Alchemist/Doom/Tiny/Morph/Naga + Chen + Veno/Enigma (lots of push)
    • Jugg + Jakiro + AA (vortex + icepath + spin)
    • Jugg + CM + AA
    • Carry w/stun (SK/Sven/Alch/Slardar/OD/DK/CK) + CM + Skywrath
    • CK/DK + Lich + KotL (endless harass)
    • CK + Disruptor + Dazzle/Leshrac (“get back here!”)
    • Faceless Void + Venge + Leshrac

    Trilane Ideas:

    • Jugg, Venge, Veno (Missile, Slow+Wave, Spin)
    • CK, Jugg, Skywrath/Pugna (Rift, Seal/Decrep, Spin)
    • Phantom Lancer, Keeper, Chen (harass, then tower push). 
    • Naga/Jugg/Lifestealer, Visage, Rubick
    • CM, ES, + hard carry needing mana (Alch, CK, Sven, SK, Luna, etc)
    • Tide, Veno, hard carry w/teamfight (AM, OD, Sven, etc) 
    • Naga/Pugna (push), Veno, Leshrac
    • Gyro/Kunkka + Shadow Demon + Lesh/Lina
    • Gyro + Crystal Maiden + Leshrac/Lina/AA/Mirana (Frostbite into Missile/Stun)
    • Sven/WraithKing/Alch + Skywrath + Lina (heavy nuke lane)
    • Phantom Assassin (PA) + Shadow Demon (SD) + Crystal Maiden (CM)
    • Gyro + Earthshaker + Leshrac (Fissure block, Split Earth/Missile, Edict + Rocket Barrage)
    • Slardar + Venge + Crystal Maiden/Disruptor
    • Juggernaut + Rubick + CM/Veno
    • Dragon Knight + Undying + Leshrac
    • Dragon Knight/Alchemist/Doom/Tiny/Morph/Naga + Chen + Veno/Enigma (lots of push)
    • Jugg + Jakiro + AA (vortex + icepath + spin)
    • Jugg + CM + AA
    • Carry w/stun (WK/Sven/Alch/Slardar/OD/DK/CK) + CM + Skywrath
    • CK/DK + Lich + KotL (endless harass)
    • CK + Disruptor + Dazzle/Leshrac (“get back here!”)

    More Aggro Tri-lane Combos:

    CK + AA + Lina/Leshrac (Rift into Chaos Bolt, Vortex, Split Earth/LSA)
    CK + CM + AA (Rift into Freeze, Vortex; Chaos bolt to finish or just to stun partner)
    Alch/Lifestealer/Slardar/SK/Sven + ShadowDemon/Skywrath/Pugna + Lina/Lesh/Lion/SS
    Centaur + Ogre Magi + Skywrath Mage (heavy nuke, stuns, slows)

    Generic Tri-lanes:

    CM + AA + Drow/Clinkz/Huskar/OD/SFiend/Jugg
    SD + Skywrath (Disruption + Amp + Bolt+Shot) + Sven/CK/DK/Morph/Jugg
    SD + SS + Antimage/Naga

    Dangerous Aggro Tri-Lanes

    Note:  Someone needs tangos / QBlade to pull the lane back with a Neutrals pull (radiant side), or else tower-killing power

    Unkillable trio:  Centaur + Abaddon/Omni + Dazzle

    • Slardar + Venge + Omni (Missile into Crush into Purify)
    • Centaur + Shadow Shaman + Dazzle
    • Centaur + Pugna + Veno – (Veno initiates w/Gale, Centaur Stomp + Nether Vortex, Decrepify + Double Edge (Necrolyte solo safelane, and DK mid)
    • Centaur + Shadow Demon + Leshrac (Banish into Stomp -> Dmg Amp + Split Earth + Double Edge)
    • Tiny + KotL + Shadow Shaman (Shackle into Avalanche + Illuminate)
    • Drow + AA + Lion (long attack ranges for easy harass, Stun + Sheep + Slow + Cold Feet)
    • Lesh + Veno + Keeper (push, kill tower, repeat with Tier 2 tower).  Supplement with ganker & semi-carry (maybe Clinkz safelane, Beastmaster mid?)
    • CK + Sand King + Dazzle
    • Mirana + SS + Lion
    • Mirana + Bane + SS/Lion
    • Tiny + Keeper + SandKing (Toss into Burrowstrike into Avalanche)
    • Centaur/Slardar + Leshrac + Dazzle (Poison slow into Split Earth into Stomp/Crush)
    • Pugna + Centaur + SD (Disruption+SoulCatch into Stomp+Blast into Decrep+DoubleSlice)
    Defensive Tri-lane Heroes:

    Hard Carry: 
    Brewmaster, Faceless, Lifestealer, Spectre, Alchemist, Morphling, Lycan

    Supports for Defensive Tri-lanes: 
    Bane, AA, Crystal Maiden, Lina/Lion, Naga, Rubick, SD, SS, Tide, Wisp, Treant, Earthshaker, Jakiro, Nyx, Sand King, Windrunner (WR), Witch Doctor (WD)

    Aggressive Tri-Lane Heroes:

    Chaos Knight, Disruptor, Shadow Shaman (SS), Keeper (KotL), Jakiro, Naga, Veno, Shadow Demon (SD), Tiny, Slardar, Razor, Lyncan, Lifestealer (Naix), Treant, Juggernaut, Undying

    Aggressive Tri-lane Samples:

    • CK + SS + Jakiro/Veno/Undying
    • Lyncan + Veno + Disruptor
    • Tiny + SS + SD
    • Naga + Treant + Bane
    • CK + SK + Venge
    • Razor (Link) + Bane (Enfeeble) + CM (mana + frostbite w/Link)
    • Silencer + Bane + KotL (Last Word + Nightmare, with unlimited mana)
    • Silencer + KotL + Nyx (mana headache)
    • Pugna + Lina + Nyx/Ogre 
    • Ogre Magi, Lion/Lina, Venomancer
    • Undying + Skywrath + KotL
    • Undying + Bane + Silencer (you don't have hp OR mana!) + Medusa mid + Invoker safe?
    • Undying + Visage + Silencer
    • Undying + Visage + Phoenix
    • Undying (Soul Rip) + Leshrac (Lightning) + Jakiro (Liquid Fire) = no hp for enemies


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